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Commission at the end of the agency agreement
Pursuant to Article 7:442 Paragraph 1 of the Dutch Civil Code, an agent is, in principle, entitled to commission at the end of the agency ag ...
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Preparing and Filing Annual Accounts: What Are the Rules for the NV and BV?
Contents of the Annual Accounts The annual accounts typically consist of the fol ...
Enforcing a US Judgment in the Netherlands: A Practical Overview
When it comes to enforcing US court judgments in the Netherlands, there’s no dir ...
Executing a foreign judgement: how does it work? Procedural law attorney explains!
In a recent case, the Amsterdam District Court ruled on the enforcement of a for ...
Attachment of a foreign bank account or foreign goods within the European Union: a complete overview
It can be necessary in the complex world of international legal disputes to proc ...
Limitation period not interrupted due to instituting a provisional examination of witnesses
The core of the dispute BessTrade has bought a reconditioned baler, which was de ...
Temporary Turbo Liquidation Transparency Law enters into force
The Temporary Turbo Liquidation Transparency Act came into effect (for a period ...
Completion of the liquidation due to lack of revenue: the creditor’s position
A creditor can apply for the liquidation of his debtor. Thereupon this liquidati ...